Emmanuel Tebandeke

- Emmanuel Tebandeke (BSc, MSc, Lic. Phil., PhD)
Rank: Senior Lecturer,
Department: Chemistry Department (CONAS)
Email: emmanuel.tebandeke@mak.ac.ug/
Mobile No:+256752592655
- Research Interests
Emmanuel Tebandeke is the Leader of the Green Chemistry Research Group at the Department of Chemistry. Part of our work in the Group is focused on development of catalytic systems for the conversion of CO2 into useful chemicals. In this work we are testing both homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts for CO2 activation and insertion into organic molecules. We also have interest in designing innovative technologies for remediation of mercury contaminated soils in artisanal and small-scale gold mining areas of Uganda. Other ongoing research in the group include catalytic oxidation using green oxidants, metal and nutrient speciation in different environmental systems, environmental pollution monitoring and analytical method development and validation.
- Ongoing projects
Conversion of carbon dioxide into useful chemical products
Emmanuel Tebandeke is the Principal Investigator (PI) for this Project. The work is aimed at development of catalytic systems for the conversion of carbon dioxide into useful chemicals with high commercial demand. The project is supported by the International Science Programme (ISP)/International Programme in Chemical Sciences (IPICS). This project has so far trained three MSc students to completion and currently has one PhD, two MSc on-going students and a female undergraduate research assistant. Through this project, our Department has acquired some useful laboratory equipment.Remediation of Mercury Contaminated Soils in Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Areas of Uganda
Emmanuel Tebandeke is also the PI for this Project. The activities of the project are aimed at design of suitable techniques for remediation of mercury contaminated soils in artisanal and small-scale gold mining areas of Uganda. The work involves a combination of phytoremediation and chemical remediation to convert contaminated soils into arable land using locally available resources. This work is supported by Makerere University Research and Innovation Fund (Mak-RIF) and the Government of Uganda.
- Community Outreach Programmes
Emmanuel Tebandeke is a Co-Chairman of the National Multisectoral Committee on Chemicals and Waste Management in Uganda, under the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA). He is also part of the team developing and streamlining air quality standards and regulations for Uganda, under the NEMA and MWE. He has carried out consultancy and advisory work for the construction of sewage treatment plant and biogas plant by Community Integrated Development Initiatives in Rubaga Division, Kampala City. He has also been engaged in several environmental impact assessments and environmental audits for different industries and firms in Uganda.
- Teaching areas
Inorganic Chemistry, Green Chemistry and Catalysis, Environmental Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry.
- Publications
Simon Lukato, Gabriel N. Kasozi, Betty Naziriwo, Emmanuel Tebandeke, Glycerol carbonylation with CO2 to form glycerol carbonate: A review of recent developments and challenges, Curr. Res. Green Sustain. Chem. 4 (2021) 100199. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crgsc.2021.100199.
Simon Lukato, Ola.F. Wendt, Reine Wallenberg, Gabriel N. Kasozi, Betty Naziriwo, Axel Persson, Laura C. Folkers, Emmanuel Tebandeke, Selective oxidation of benzyl alcohols with molecular oxygen as the oxidant using Ag-Cu catalysts supported on polyoxometalates, Results Chem. 3 (2021) 100150. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rechem.
Ben Mukiibi S, Nyanzi SA, Kwetegyeka J, Olisah C, Taiwo AM, Mubiru E, Tebandeke E, Matovu H, Odongo S, Abayi JJM, Ngeno EC, Sillanpää M, Ssebugere P. Organochlorine pesticide residues in Uganda's honey as a bioindicator of environmental contamination and reproductive health implications to consumers. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2021 Mar 4;214:112094. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2021.112094.
Nalumansi I, Birungi G, Moodley B, Tebandeke E. Spectrophotometric Determination of Low Levels of the Orthophosphate Anion as Molybdenum Blue Using Sodium Thiosulphate Reducing Agent. Orient J Chem 2020;36(6).
Fiona Nakibuule, Steven Allan Nyanzi, Igor Oshchapovsky, Ola F. Wendt and Emmanuel Tebandeke, Synthesis of cyclic carbonates from epoxides and carbon dioxide catalyzed by talc and other phyllosilicates. BMC Chemistry 14, 61 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13065-020-00713-2.
Moses Kigozi, Richard K. Koech, Orisekeh Kingsley, Itohan Ojeaga, Emmanuel Tebandeke, Gabriel N Kasozi, Azikiwe P Onwualu, Synthesis and characterization of graphene oxide from locally mined graphite flakes and its supercapacitor applications. Results in Materials, 7, 100113 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rinma.2020.100113.
Aziz Kimera Mukota, Melanie Flore Kamini Gondam, Julie Judith Takadong Tsafack, James Sasanya, Wim Reybroeck, Muhammad Ntale, Steven Allan Nyanzi and Emmanuel Tebandeke, Primary validation of Charm II tests for the detection of antimicrobial residues in a range of aquaculture fish. BMC Chemistry 14, 32 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13065-020-00684-4.
Irene Nalumansi, Grace Birungi, Brenda Moodley and Emmanuel Tebandeke, Preparation and Identification of Reduced Phosphomolybdate via Molybdenum Blue Reaction. Orient. J. Chem, 36, 4 (2020). http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/ojc/360403.
Ibrahim Karume, Emmauel Tebandeke, Joloccam Mbabazi, Henry Ssekaalo and Ola.F. Wendt; C-C cross-coupling reactions by palladium on barium and potassium polyoxotungstate supports, Asian J. Chem.30, 2357-2360 (2018). DOI: 10.14233/ajchem.2018.21508.
Abson Richard Asiima, Jolocam Mbabazi, Emmanuel Tebandeke, Muhammad Ntale, Trace metal and nutrient constitution of rain water and sediment/sludge harvested in various storage tanks from galvanized iron roof tops in Kampala City, Uganda, Carib.j.SciTech,.3, 718-730 (2015).
Emmanuel Tebandeke, Cristina Coman, Kevin Guillois, Griffin Canning, Evren Ataman, Jan Knudsen, L. Reine Wallenberg, Henry Ssekaalo, Joachim Schnadt and Ola F. Wendt, Epoxidation of olefins with molecular oxygen as the oxidant using gold catalysts supported on polyoxometalates. Green Chem., 16 (3), 1586 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1039/C3GC42198H.
Emmanuel Tebandeke, Henry Ssekaalo and Ola F. Wendt, Highly efficient epoxidation of olefins with hydrogen peroxide oxidant using modified silver polyoxometalate catalysts. AJPAC, 7 (2), 50-55 (2013). https://doi.org/10.5897/AJPAC12.060.
- Grants
PI: Green chemistry for sustainable processing; 2022-2024. Funding Source ISP/IPICS.
PI: RIF1 Extension; Integrated Remediation of Mercury Contaminated Soils in Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining Areas of Uganda; 2021-2022. Funding source Mak-RIF.
PI: Green chemistry for sustainable processing; 2019-2021. Funding Source ISP/IPICS.
PI: Integrated Remediation of Mercury Contaminated Soils in Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining Areas of Uganda; 2019-2020. Funding source Mak-RIF.